Huntsville, Texas, United States
time : Aug 11, 2024 8:03 AM
duration : 2h 36m 22s
distance : 8.8 km
total_ascent : 139 m
highest_point : 140 m
avg_speed : 3.5 km/h
user_id : ghvb8vsqcc
user_firstname : Janis
user_lastname : B
I walked the SL and the 286 this morning. Wanted to ride so I could also survey Start Hill, but my intuition said otherwise. Glad I walked. Too many trees and too much debris on the trails for biking.
There are a few new areas of erosion, but considering the rainfall, not surprising.
I do think there are several spots that should be considered for rerouting. The reroutes can be short and a few feet from the original trail. Some of these spots have been worked on several times. For sustainability purposes, it makes sense to rethink how we correct these spots.