Phone quit working at 22 miles came around the road to Little Cataloochee Road into Cataloochee horse camp going to estimate additional 10 miles according to Park Ranger.
Haywood County, North Carolina, United States
time : Aug 28, 2024 10:01 AM
duration : 14h 4m 58s
distance : 22.7 mi
total_ascent : 5217 ft
highest_point : 5695 ft
avg_speed : 2.5 mi/h
user_id : shnannygans
user_firstname : Shannonrae and Rickie
user_lastname : Mathes
Palmer Creek, to balsam, down pretty hollow, had to turn around due to large tree, back up Mount Sterling down Mount Sterling Trail to Sterling gap down to Cataloochee Road(22mile) a Cataloochee road approximately 10 miles to camp. Approximately 32 to 33 miles.