A bag of fudge goes down a treat !
Uxbridge Loiterers
England, United Kingdom
time : Feb 25, 2015 9:50 AM
duration : 6h 47m 15s
distance : 39.3 mi
total_ascent : 1391 ft
highest_point : 389 ft
avg_speed : 5.8 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Today's medium ride leader Sandra, attracted 9 followers though a couple dropped out during the course of the ride. First stop was at Farnham Common, via the usual route for coffee. From there we headed to Marlow for lunch at the Giggling Squid (great name). While on the way there, Sandra pulled up to offer everyone some delicious fudge - every ride leader should do this ! Arriving at Marlow, Ninja Steve fermented a revolution and some of us followed him to the George and Dragon around the corner to have lunch there. I now feel really ashamed for deserting Sandra, especially after she had dished out the fudge. Sandra and her group rejoined us at the Dragon and punished the revolutionaries by making us go up some nightmare hills on the way back to our tea stop at Burnham Beeches. From there we headed back to Uxbridge via a very muddy Black Park. A great day out with Sandra.
Uxbridge to Uxbridge 39 miles
Puffing Loiterer.