And the First Black Mark of the Club Year goes to Storm Shadow

Lawrie's short Sunday ride attracted 11 followers and the first black mark of the new club year. We set off for the Moniz cafe via Stockley Park accompanied by two new riders - Liz and Ami - the latter would appear to be capable of giving Steve a credible challenge for his cake eating crown. From there (minus the Jenkins gang as usual) some Storm Shadow navigation got us through Harmondsworth Moor, missing all the soggy bits, to our lunch stop the Five Bells at Horton, to find that they were not doing lunch. Nil points, black mark, go to the back of the peloton ! Plan B saw us retracing our track to the Golden Cross where thankfully lunch was being served. From there back to Uxbridge for coffee at the Three Tuns. A good day out with Lawrie. Uxbridge to Uxbridge 25 miles. Puffing Loiterer

Road Biking

England, United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Oct 26, 2014 9:38 AM
duration : 6h 38m 29s
distance : 26 mi
total_ascent : 856 ft
highest_point : 308 ft
avg_speed : 3.9 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Lawrie's short Sunday ride attracted 11 followers and the first black mark of the new club year. We set off for the Moniz cafe via Stockley Park accompanied by two new riders - Liz and Ami - the latter would appear to be capable of giving Steve a credible challenge for his cake eating crown. From there (minus the Jenkins gang as usual) some Storm Shadow navigation got us through Harmondsworth Moor, missing all the soggy bits, to our lunch stop the Five Bells at Horton, to find that they were not doing lunch. Nil points, black mark, go to the back of the peloton ! Plan B saw us retracing our track to the Golden Cross where thankfully lunch was being served. From there back to Uxbridge for coffee at the Three Tuns. A good day out with Lawrie. Uxbridge to Uxbridge 25 miles. Puffing Loiterer
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