Bring your own Christmas Pudding
Uxbridge Loiterers
Iver, England, United Kingdom
time : Oct 18, 2015 9:32 AM
duration : 5h 58m 5s
distance : 23.4 mi
total_ascent : 741 ft
highest_point : 311 ft
avg_speed : 3.9 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Twelve of us on Tony's Sunday ride for morning coffee in Black Park, lunch at the Red Lion in Langley and tea at Thorney Park Golf Club. A trouble free autumn ride only spoiled by my worries about the forthcoming Loiterer Christmas Lunch at the Golf Club. The lunch this year has been organised by Humbug Hart (how did that happen?) and while in the golf club I was dismayed to discover that the chef was studying a recipe for gruel - O.K. I give you that it's denture friendly but I would still prefer turkey.
Puffing Loiterer