A snappy ride to the Greyhound

12 followers for my trip to the Greyhound pub at Eton Wick. We set off in bright but cold sunshine for our morning stop in Langley Park. Elements of the Jenkins gang moaned about sitting out in the cold but I took no notice of their winging complaint. Thence on to the Greyhound for lunch - the big mystery here is that one would think that a pub by this name might well have a large dog mascot on its roof - but no - it chooses to have a crocodile (or is it an alligator?). Post lunch we headed back (after having to wait for ages while a member of the Jenkins gang (the same moaner) insisted on completing his glass of wine in the manner of someone at a wine tasting - a little sip here a little sip there then a long trip to the gents) Having got that rant off my chest, basically we headed back to Iver to the excellent steampunk themed Lounge 15 for coffee where the staff let us mess around with their steampunk hats (see pix). Leaving the Lounge we dispersed back to Uxbridge etc. Puffing Loiterer Hero of the Day Award goes to Jimbo for fixing Malissa's puncture (I'm losing count of how many he has fixed this year)

Road Biking

Never miss a chance to wear a steampunk hat
England, United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Oct 14, 2015 9:57 AM
duration : 6h 7m 16s
distance : 24 mi
total_ascent : 581 ft
highest_point : 254 ft
avg_speed : 3.9 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
12 followers for my trip to the Greyhound pub at Eton Wick. We set off in bright but cold sunshine for our morning stop in Langley Park. Elements of the Jenkins gang moaned about sitting out in the cold but I took no notice of their winging complaint. Thence on to the Greyhound for lunch - the big mystery here is that one would think that a pub by this name might well have a large dog mascot on its roof - but no - it chooses to have a crocodile (or is it an alligator?). Post lunch we headed back (after having to wait for ages while a member of the Jenkins gang (the same moaner) insisted on completing his glass of wine in the manner of someone at a wine tasting - a little sip here a little sip there then a long trip to the gents) Having got that rant off my chest, basically we headed back to Iver to the excellent steampunk themed Lounge 15 for coffee where the staff let us mess around with their steampunk hats (see pix). Leaving the Lounge we dispersed back to Uxbridge etc. Puffing Loiterer Hero of the Day Award goes to Jimbo for fixing Malissa's puncture (I'm losing count of how many he has fixed this year)
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