Hold your nose around rubbish trucks
Uxbridge Loiterers
England, United Kingdom
time : Aug 19, 2015 8:02 AM
duration : 8h 23m 55s
distance : 36 mi
total_ascent : 942 ft
highest_point : 242 ft
avg_speed : 4.3 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Requested by the naughty girl and led by Lawrie, today's short ride went to Fulham Palace starting from Ealing Common Station though some of us elected to cycle there from Uxbridge. We had just set off when Mr Cakes phoned to say that he had arrived late so we had to wait for a while for him to catch up. Unfortunately today was rubbish pick up day in this area and our ride was constantly blocked by rubbish trucks taking up the quiet back roads that Lawrie was using. A ride through Ealing, Acton and Hammersmith saw us arriving at the Thames to follow it through to Fulham Palace. We parked up the bikes and walked through the grounds to the Putney Bridge area where the group split off to various pubs. Post lunch we regrouped and returned to the Palace (former home of many Bishops of London) for a look around. Curiosity satisfied Lawrie led us back via Chiswick, Gunnersbury, Ealing, Hanwell (brief stop at the Fox) then to Northola Park where the group dispersed. Needless to say our ride leader never put a foot wrong and as usual managed to incorporate multiple parks during the course of the day, even succeeding in finding one more rubbish truck on the way back. A great day out for the 13 followers.
Puffing Loiterer
Kiss and Tell Award of the Day goes to Angela for her: "John usually takes me around the roundabout and then we both peel off"