Off to see Cap'n Morgan's Art Show

11 followers for my short ride. Usual route down to the White House at Stockley Park for morning coffee then back to Uxbridge via the canal which we picked up at West Drayton then on to the Crown at Northolt for lunch. At this point three Loiterers dropped out on the grounds that they didn't want to go to listen to one of the Captain's nobby lectures (despite the cheese that I had brought to stuff in our ears when he starts to drone on and on). For a small consideration I will name and shame them Stu ! A swoop down the A40 and a right turn at the Polish War Memorial saw us arrive at Manor Farm to see the paintings that the Captain had put together - they were mostly of old sailing ships painted by one of his wife's relatives - and very good they were too. After admiring the art work and dodging any lectures we had our tea and dispersed back to Uxbridge. Puffing Loiterer. Boast of the Day Award goes to me for my " See! You all think that I can only find my way to Windsor but here we are in Northolt".

Road Biking

A bit of art appreciation is good for the soul
Hayes, England, United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Jul 15, 2015 8:59 AM
duration : 6h 22m 4s
distance : 26.3 mi
total_ascent : 1073 ft
highest_point : 374 ft
avg_speed : 4.1 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
11 followers for my short ride. Usual route down to the White House at Stockley Park for morning coffee then back to Uxbridge via the canal which we picked up at West Drayton then on to the Crown at Northolt for lunch. At this point three Loiterers dropped out on the grounds that they didn't want to go to listen to one of the Captain's nobby lectures (despite the cheese that I had brought to stuff in our ears when he starts to drone on and on). For a small consideration I will name and shame them Stu ! A swoop down the A40 and a right turn at the Polish War Memorial saw us arrive at Manor Farm to see the paintings that the Captain had put together - they were mostly of old sailing ships painted by one of his wife's relatives - and very good they were too. After admiring the art work and dodging any lectures we had our tea and dispersed back to Uxbridge. Puffing Loiterer. Boast of the Day Award goes to me for my " See! You all think that I can only find my way to Windsor but here we are in Northolt".
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