Wet Wanderings With Woody

On a very wet morning, Woody's short ride attracted sixteen followers but by the end of the day this had reduced to seven. We set off for Nita's Burger Bar via Iver where Don and Alan decided to see who could take the longest to put on some wets (Don won by a cape). From there via Langley and then along a very muddy Jubillee river track to the Pineapple for some of their giant sandwiches. Gerry and Brian spent most of the time glancing at each other and giggling (what was that all about?). Coming out of the pub after lunch we found that the sun had come out - hoorah - and we gradually dried out as we more or less retraced our route back to Iver for an afternoon stop at the Red Lion before heading back to Uxbridge. Puffing Loiterer Question of the day - Was it a fox hole or a pipe?

Road Biking

Blue Thunder at Ascot in the 3.30 (each way advised)
Slough, England, United Kingdom
puffingloiterer photo
time : Apr 29, 2015 9:41 AM
duration : 6h 2m 18s
distance : 26.1 mi
total_ascent : 666 ft
highest_point : 331 ft
avg_speed : 4.3 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
On a very wet morning, Woody's short ride attracted sixteen followers but by the end of the day this had reduced to seven. We set off for Nita's Burger Bar via Iver where Don and Alan decided to see who could take the longest to put on some wets (Don won by a cape). From there via Langley and then along a very muddy Jubillee river track to the Pineapple for some of their giant sandwiches. Gerry and Brian spent most of the time glancing at each other and giggling (what was that all about?). Coming out of the pub after lunch we found that the sun had come out - hoorah - and we gradually dried out as we more or less retraced our route back to Iver for an afternoon stop at the Red Lion before heading back to Uxbridge. Puffing Loiterer Question of the day - Was it a fox hole or a pipe?
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