Seoul, South Korea
time : Sep 8, 2024 12:14 PM
duration : 5h 22m 8s
distance : 12.9 km
total_ascent : 1108 m
highest_point : 716 m
avg_speed : 2.7 km/h
user_id : hkuemsun
user_firstname : 황금성
user_lastname : 황
Vivaldi's Summer: Music like a Mountain
Hike for the Soul🎊🎊
There is music that heals us, brings us
peace, and fills us with new energy - just
like a hike in the mountains. Antonio
Vivaldi's "Summer" is exactly that kind of
music. The powerful sounds let us feel the
storms and heat of life, while the gentle
melodies bring relief like a cool breeze
Just as a mountain hike leads us through
both effort and beauty, music can take us
on an inner journey that revives and
inspires us.
Whether on the trail or
through music, there is always a path to
heal oneself.