East SCNT, near Spring Creek Dr status

Eastern SCNT - 1 mile distance between Dawnwood Drainage ditch and Spring Creek Dr. Work may be contingent on Rosemary's Bridge tree removal although all work can still be accomplished even with trees obstructing since Geogrid can be brought in from Dawnwood Drainage ditch access. Potential 150ft of geogrid may be required for sandy and muddy areas, between Rosemary's Bridge and Dawnwood Drainage ditch. About 400ft of high grass requiring lawnmower or weedeater work. Up to 3 work groups may be needed 1. From Spring Creek Dr trailhead to Hickory Hollow Rd. (Removing face-slappers and high grass from trail, plus expanding/widening bypasses that circumvent the sandy segments). 300ft total of high grass near Manny's Cross and bench. 2. Installing Geogrid north of Rosemary's Bridge. 50ft may be required for bypass that is low and muddy, although there is potentially higher ground where a bypass can by started without using Geogrid. Then there is 100ft of Geogrid required for sandy area between the bench and Dawnwood Drainage ditch. 3. Removing high grass between Rosemary's Bridge and Dawnwood (about 100ft). Creating bypass on high ground near Rosemary's bridge as mentioned in #2.


Montgomery County, Texas, United States
nspringtx photo
time : Sep 7, 2024 2:16 PM
duration : 0h 25m 11s
distance : 1 mi
total_ascent : 81 ft
highest_point : 37 ft
avg_speed : 2.3 mi/h
user_id : nspringtx
user_firstname : Roy
user_lastname : Cuellar
Eastern SCNT - 1 mile distance between Dawnwood Drainage ditch and Spring Creek Dr. Work may be contingent on Rosemary's Bridge tree removal although all work can still be accomplished even with trees obstructing since Geogrid can be brought in from Dawnwood Drainage ditch access. Potential 150ft of geogrid may be required for sandy and muddy areas, between Rosemary's Bridge and Dawnwood Drainage ditch. About 400ft of high grass requiring lawnmower or weedeater work. Up to 3 work groups may be needed 1. From Spring Creek Dr trailhead to Hickory Hollow Rd. (Removing face-slappers and high grass from trail, plus expanding/widening bypasses that circumvent the sandy segments). 300ft total of high grass near Manny's Cross and bench. 2. Installing Geogrid north of Rosemary's Bridge. 50ft may be required for bypass that is low and muddy, although there is potentially higher ground where a bypass can by started without using Geogrid. Then there is 100ft of Geogrid required for sandy area between the bench and Dawnwood Drainage ditch. 3. Removing high grass between Rosemary's Bridge and Dawnwood (about 100ft). Creating bypass on high ground near Rosemary's bridge as mentioned in #2.
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