Walker County, Texas, United States
time : Dec 8, 2024 9:14 AM
duration : 3h 3m 51s
distance : 2.4 mi
total_ascent : 98 ft
highest_point : 566 ft
avg_speed : 1.3 mi/h
user_id : jlanders
user_firstname : Joe
user_lastname : Anders
Five volunteers lopped and limbed obstructions on FSR 207. Also set a barricade by the bridges on the north end, and set three Carsonite posts by a partial culvert washout. Left the salvageable trees across the road, but are fairly easy to get over now.
Note we had the incorrect base for the barricade by the bridges. Will locate correct base and reset.
FYI, gate to FSR 245 was closed and locked