Elsbethen, Salzburg, Austria
time : Oct 4, 2024 2:31 PM
duration : 1h 53m 58s
distance : 3.8 mi
total_ascent : 1673 ft
highest_point : 3794 ft
avg_speed : 2.0 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
From my Parking Spot in Front of Gasthof Schwaitlalm I went around it towards the Farm House and heading straight for the Forest crossing a Meadow. From here on there are several possibilities but eventually I reached the Forest Road above it, There are no Trail-marker of Sign of any sort but a Trail is visible and can be followed all the way to the Summit with no problems, Today’s Wether really sucked, was waiting long enough for the Rain to stop before heading out but being in the Forest it was still wet and Low Ground cover along the Ridge still got me soaking wet from the waist down, The First Aid Box at the Summit was very much needed (Took a Good Sip of it), Thank you for whoever put it there. Needless to say there was no View from the Summit today, Returned pretty much the same way.