Brecherspitz 1683 m 5520 ft.

Started this Hike late Afternoon in Neuhaus already in the Snow from the Parking Lot and made my way up to Ankl-Alm 1311 m 4300 ft., I could follow some Snowed in Footprints which made it easy, Past the Alm I had to break Trail up to the Ridgeline in open Country, Lots of Snow but I made some good progress which all changed at the Ridgeline with even more Snow and annoying Dwarf Pine underneath, I could see where I had to go but getting actually there was a different story, Waist Deep Snow at times and getting stuck and dangled up in the Dwarf Pines was time consuming and shortly before the Summit I had to call it a Day since my progress was too Slow and it was getting too late as well to return safely in Daylight. Don’t regret my decision to abandon the Peak and looking forward being back at a later date.


Landkreis Miesbach, Bavaria, Germany
Nuernbergerchef1 photo
time : Apr 23, 2024 3:23 PM
duration : 5h 13m 9s
distance : 7.4 mi
total_ascent : 2516 ft
highest_point : 5205 ft
avg_speed : 1.5 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
Started this Hike late Afternoon in Neuhaus already in the Snow from the Parking Lot and made my way up to Ankl-Alm 1311 m 4300 ft., I could follow some Snowed in Footprints which made it easy, Past the Alm I had to break Trail up to the Ridgeline in open Country, Lots of Snow but I made some good progress which all changed at the Ridgeline with even more Snow and annoying Dwarf Pine underneath, I could see where I had to go but getting actually there was a different story, Waist Deep Snow at times and getting stuck and dangled up in the Dwarf Pines was time consuming and shortly before the Summit I had to call it a Day since my progress was too Slow and it was getting too late as well to return safely in Daylight. Don’t regret my decision to abandon the Peak and looking forward being back at a later date.
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