England, United Kingdom
time : Nov 5, 2014 9:35 AM
duration : 6h 16m 40s
distance : 31.8 mi
total_ascent : 1247 ft
highest_point : 387 ft
avg_speed : 5.1 mi/h
user_id : puffingloiterer
user_firstname : Puffing
user_lastname : Loiterer
Today's medium ride leader David B attracted 7 followers. An uneventful ride saw us arrive at Farnham Common for coffee. I asked the new club treasurer whether he had booked any exotic holidays. He answered no - which is what we want to hear but we must stay vigilant. From there onto the Garibaldi at Bourne End where sadly there are no complimentary biscuits though the beer was excellent. Coming back to Uxbridge the route was a trifle hilly in parts but Dave does like his hills..
A very nice autumnal ride with a new lunchtime venue too boot..
Uxbridge to Uxbridge 32 miles.
Puffing Loiterer